He:- Ashesh, do you believe in god?
Me:- No. Ask me the same question again
He:- Do you believe in god?
Me:- yes.
     Well, what difference did my opinion make? Nothing, because yours or mine opinion doesn't alter the truth. The question 'Do you believe in god?' is a stupid question to ask because mine or your belief doesn't say anything about what is actually the truth. In fact, belief is a faith in the absence of evidence, as famously said. So truth is what we must seek, not some reassuring fable or belief.
                                              God ( if it really exised ) is someone or something that existed before the universe began or that was there before the big bang. For scientist, god is a particle. A particle so energetic, that caused the homogenous expansion of the universe and that tiny dot was enough to create everything we see today and according to Taittiriya Upanisadh, the definition of god is 'Satyam jnanam annantam brahmam'. 

One simple question many will ask is, why do we care about god's existence? I don't have exact answer to this but this has to do with the fine tuning of our universe and why is there something rather than nothing. We know that our universe is so finely tuned that it's beyond comprehension. If gravity was a bit greater, we would have been ripped apart. The atomic weak force if deviated by just 1 part in 10 to the power 100 , wouldn't let a life permitting universe. If particle and antiparticle are always pair produced, why didn't it all annihilate and leave nothing. These questions are very difficult to answer. And this kind of fine tuning can't happen by chance. So one way of dealing with that is believing that there is a designer behind all this. A designer that designed our world to be just perfectly fit to live. And to design all these a mere human would have been incapable, so the designer must be a giant, huge entity that is omnipotent. And what is that entity? Well it depends upon which species you are. If you are human, you will believe that that designer must be huge person, with multiple powers and so forth. But what reason does a cow has to believe that it's creator is a human? No reasons. For a pig, his creator is a huge pig with 10 legs and a long tail. Similar for others. 
                  One other way to approach this is by saying, let's just accept the fact that our universe is finely tuned, just embrace the fact that there is something rather than nothing.  Don't worry about who did it, why it happened. The universe always existed. Just accept this and move on, don't waste time thinking why that is the case. 
  So if god exists for some reasons, the most important question is 'What is that god?'. And the answer to this question is, I don't know. But i certainly do know something. I know that the god, the creator of this universe ( if it really were the case ), be it an omnipotent person or a sub atomic particle or any entity beyond my imagination, doesn't have any problem when a women on her period visits a temple. I know that the creator of this universe, hasn't written anywhere that you should serve it 1000 liters of milk everyday while thousands of poor are dying due to dehydration and I certainly know that the creator is not an entity that ordered it's devotees to chop off the heads of people who serve another god.   

You can contact me at :- kafleashesh24@gmail.com
For further information :- https://www.instagram.com/kafleashesh.ak24/